______________________________________ National Observatory of Athens Institute of Geodynamics ______________________________________ ====================================== ======= Moment Tensor Solution ======= ====================================== Hypocenter Solution (NOA) Origin Time : 20220426 23:38:53.33 Lat: 19.3431 Lon: -64.5790 Depth (km) : 34 Mw : 5.6 ====================================== Centroid Solution Centroid Time : +2.79 (sec) relative to origin time Centroid Lat: 19.3029 Lon: -64.5793 Centroid Depth : 38 ====================================== No of Stations: 4 (LOZ1-CLB1-FJR1-NGB1) Freq band (Hz) 0.05-0.08 tapered 0.04-0.05 and 0.08-0.09 Variance Reduction (%): 3 Moment Tensor (Nm): Exponent 10**17 Mrr Mtt Mpp -2.075 1.179 0.896 Mrt Mrp Mtp -0.795 0.759 -1.433 VOL (%) : 0.0 DC (%) : 70.5 CLVD (%) : 29.5 Quality : D2 Computed by: Gisola Best Double Couple: Mo= 2.552e+17 Nm NP1: Strike Dip Rake 132 57 -89 NP2: Strike Dip Rake 311 32 -91 ####### ################# #####-############### ---------------########## ##------------------######### ####--------------------####### ####---------------------###### ######----------- -------###### #######---------- P --------##### ########--------- ---------#### ##########--------------------### ############------------------### #############----------------## ###############--------------## ### ###########-----------# # T ################----- ################### ################# ####### Moment Tensor Solution computed using Gisola https://github.com/nikosT/Gisola